On Campus Blog

From the U:   Governor’s bonding recommendations a ‘great start’ for the University of Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (01/15/2014) —University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler today called Gov. Mark Dayton’s bonding proposal for the University a great starting position – including full funding for three projects – and said U leaders, faculty and students Read more →
Gov. Dayton’s bonding proposal for higher-ed — and what MnSCU’s chancellor has to say about it
Gov. Mark Dayton has released his proposal for a $986 million bonding bill, which includes the following section on higher education: Governor Dayton’s bonding proposal also invests $233 million in our state’s higher education systems to ensure that Minnesota students have access to world-class labs, classrooms, and training for the jobs of the future. Highlights Read more →
St. John’s president: Increasing demands equals more administration
St. John’s University President Michael Hemesath writes in the Quad 136 blog that the debate over presidential pay is a proxy for the debate over whether college administration has become bloated. He says many people don’t fully understand that society has put increasing demands on colleges over the years — which have required larger administrations Read more →
Single university president signs school contract restricting her love life Gwendolyn Boyd, the new president of Alabama State University, signed a contract with the school’s trustees that forbids her from allowing a lover to “cohabitate” with her in the presidential home being provided to her by the historically black university in Montgomery. (The Washington Post) Respected Read more →
Why university professors have it better than I do
Among the 10 least stressful jobs for 2014, as reported recently by The Wall Street Journal: 4. University Professor (Tenured) Stress Score: 8.43   Among the 10 most stressful: 8.  Reporter (Newspaper) Stress Score: 46.75 (I ain’t sayin’. I’m … just sayin’.)
Former GWU president Trachtenberg on why university presidencies are derailed Being at odds with an ambitious governor is just one way for a university president to get ousted. A newly mentioned book illustrates others: ethical lapses, poor interpersonal skills, governing-board troubles, inability to lead key constituencies and — an obvious one — failure to meet institutional objectives. Read more →
University of Minnesota medical officials warn of crunch in residencies
A national training bottleneck threatens Minnesota’s ability to fill increased demand for doctors in coming years, University of Minnesota medical school officials warn. Stagnant federal and state funding has limited the number of residency positions where they can train. Unless the number of residencies increases Minnesota will be short a projected 2,000 physicians a decade Read more →
The Degree Is Doomed  The value of paper degrees lies in a common agreement to accept them as a proxy for competence and status, and that agreement is less rock solid than the higher education establishment would like to believe. (Harvard Business Review) High-Profile Study to Examine Happiness After College Questions surrounding degree-holders will focus on five Read more →
UW-Madison professor named U of M liberal arts dean
This just in from the U: John Coleman named College of Liberal Arts dean John Coleman has been named the new dean of the College of Liberal Arts (CLA) at the University of Minnesota, effective July 31, pending Board of Regents approval in February. “John has a track record as a trustworthy and highly effective Read more →