On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Predatory journals, mixed-use dorms and the eviction of sports

Square Feet: Where 600 College Students Live Above the Store College dormitories are booming in Manhattan, often built in partnership with development companies that leave the street-level space for commercial use. (The New York Times)

Examining the GED Most test-takers hope the GED will lead to a better job or more education. But critics say the GED encourages some students to drop out of school. And research shows the credential is of little value to most people who get one. (American RadioWorks)

Get Your Stadiums Out of Our Churches It’s time to evict big-time sports from American higher education. (Slate)

Predatory journals and defective peer review are general academic problems, not just open access problems. The so-called “sting” article in Science exposed certain predatory journals for publishing clearly erroneous scientific results in exchange for money. Ernesto Priego emphasises the bias in the conclusions drawn from this article and its illegitimate attack on open access publication. But regardless of the business model of the publication, peer review, especially in the humanities, is certainly in need of greater attention and improvements. (Impact on Social Sciences)

Virginia Tech fined $5,000 for safety law breach in case related to 2007 massacre The fine follows a finding that the university had inconsistent policies on timely warning of safety threats and failed to disclose one of them as required under the federal Clery Act. The fine is lower than the maximum possible, $27,500. (The Washington Post)