On Campus Blog

Gov. Dayton’s bonding proposal for higher-ed — and what MnSCU’s chancellor has to say about it

Gov. Mark Dayton has released his proposal for a $986 million bonding bill, which includes the following section on higher education:

Governor Dayton’s bonding proposal also invests $233 million in our state’s higher education systems to ensure that Minnesota students have access to world-class labs, classrooms, and training for the jobs of the future. Highlights of education projects included in the Governor’s bill include:

  • $80 million for asset preservation and replacement at MnSCU and University of Minnesota campuses statewide ($40 million in HEAPR funds for each system)

  • $74 million for additional infrastructure improvements at 17 MnSCU campuses statewide

  • $56.7 million for renovation of the University of Minnesota’s Tate Science and Teaching building

  • $12 million for the University of Minnesota’s Research and Laboratory Improvement Fund

Here's the official reaction from Steven Rosenstone, chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system:

“The Governor’s bonding proposal makes construction projects for higher education a top priority and recognizes the critical role Minnesota’s state colleges and universities play in providing access to an extraordinary education for Minnesotans from all backgrounds and every part of the state.  These investments will help ensure that our graduates have the skills needed to keep Minnesota globally competitive.  We appreciate the Governor’s support of our students and the communities we serve.”