On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: The Kremlin, the college bubble, and a presidential love life

Single university president signs school contract restricting her love life Gwendolyn Boyd, the new president of Alabama State University, signed a contract with the school’s trustees that forbids her from allowing a lover to “cohabitate” with her in the presidential home being provided to her by the historically black university in Montgomery. (The Washington Post)

Respected Russian University Feels Kremlin’s Scrutiny The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the equivalent of the F.B.I., has accused several professors at the Higher School of Economics of illegally receiving funds to lobby on behalf of former oil baron Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was convicted and imprisoned on charges of fraud and other crimes in proceedings that were widely labeled as political. (The New York Times)

Fines For Hazing In Some States Are Much Smaller Than You Might Think Research from the University of Maine in 2012 found 73 percent of social fraternities and sororities members experience hazing. Overall, 55 percent of college students involved in clubs, teams and other organizations are hazed. (The Huffington Post)

No Girls, Blacks, or Hispanics Take AP Computer Science Exam in Some States No African-American students took the exam in a total of 11 states, and no Hispanic students took it in eight states, according to state comparisons of College Board data. (Education Week)

No, the 'College Bubble' Isn't Popping And it's not a bubble, to begin with. (The Atlantic)