On Campus Blog

Why do MN education leaders seem so interested in vocational ed now?
Alexandria Technical and Community College President Kevin Kopischke, who has worked in Minnesota vocational education for almost 40 years, tells me in an MPR report about the resurgence of interest in vocational education by business and state leaders: “I don’t think we’ve seen this level of involvement and commitment ever.” It’s Obama. It’s the recession. Read more →
Why the SAT drives us N.U.T.S.  Novelty, Unpredictability, Threat to Self or Ego, Sense of Control (or really, a lack thereof) (The Washington Post) The Myth of Working Your Way Through College Once upon a time, a summer spent scooping ice cream could pay for a year of college. Today, the average student’s annual tuition Read more →
College material or not: who should decide? Should the decision be made by policy makers and school officials? Or parents and students? (The Washington Post) Assigning One’s Own Books to One’s Students Is it ethical to require students to buy a book that you wrote? Aren’t they already paying tuition for this professor’s expertise and knowledge? (Washington Monthly) Read more →
The Koch brothers’ influence on college campus is spreading The billionaires’ proselytizing of government deregulation and pro-business civics is increasingly targeted not just at creatures of Capitol Hill, or couch sitters in swing states, but at the hearts and minds of American college students, as well. (The Washington Post) College Football Labor Decision May Hurt Read more →
Northwestern player unionization could cause sweeping changes
A federal decision to allow Northwestern University football players to unionize will have little immediate impact on major universities like the University of Minnesota, but it could portend big changes down the road. The decision “has huge implications,” said Steven Silton, a Minneapolis attorney who has worked with both professional athletes and sports franchises. As Read more →
College athletes can unionize, federal agency says In a stunning ruling that could revolutionize a college sports industry worth billions of dollars and have dramatic repercussions at schools coast to coast, a federal agency said Wednesday that football players at Northwestern University can create the nation’s first union of college athletes. (Associated Press) How one college Read more →
Just got this announcement from the U. Apparently the proposal is more of a “dream list,” and the formal bill hasn’t been released yet: Chair’s bonding bill for U of M a ‘strong boost’ for Minnesota’s economy University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler today called House Capital Investment Chair Alice Hausman’s bonding proposal for the Read more →
Study-abroad bill would require safety reporting
A Senate committee has approved a bill requiring colleges to report how safe their study-abroad programs are. The measure, discussed Thursday, would require schools to provide safety records — details on deaths, accidents and illnesses of students participating in sanctioned study-abroad programs. Elizabeth Brenner, the mother of Minnetonka student who died during a 2011 study-abroad Read more →
Russia’s plagiarism problem: Even Putin has done it!  So many businessmen, academics and high-ranking government officials — President Vladimir Putin included — have been found to have plagiarized their college and doctoral theses that Russia’s education minister just denounced the revelations, saying they were hurting Russia’s reputation. (The Washington Post) The Hidden College Problem: When Universities, Read more →
MnSCU names three college presidents
Trustees of the state’s college and university system have chosen interim or permanent presidents for three of its colleges: Minnesota West Community & Technical College: Barbara McDonald (interim) Alexandria Technical & Community College: Laura Urban Minnesota State College – Southeast Technical: Dorothy Duran Below are excerpts from the MnSCU announcements. Minnesota West: [McDonald's] appointment becomes Read more →