On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Prison, the nutty SAT, and the myth of working through college

Why the SAT drives us N.U.T.S.  Novelty, Unpredictability, Threat to Self or Ego, Sense of Control (or really, a lack thereof) (The Washington Post)

The Myth of Working Your Way Through College Once upon a time, a summer spent scooping ice cream could pay for a year of college. Today, the average student's annual tuition is equivalent to 991 hours behind the counter.  (The Atlantic via University Business)

From prison to diploma: How education can help fix a broken system  In one program, roughly 10% of applicants are admitted. Alumni have remarkable success in employment, low recidivism and have become social workers, playwrights, PhD students and leaders in top-notch companies. Just last year, the Bard Prison Initiative awarded nearly 250 degrees. (USA Today)

College Budget Crusaders Aim to Do What Congress Can't Congress has been maddeningly slow to address the country’s long-term debt. A pair of seniors at Miami (Ohio) University’s Farmer School of Business are organizing undergraduates to pressure lawmakers into crafting a solution. (BloombergBusinessweek via NAICU)

Don't pay college athletes, invest in their education  Simply paying away these inequities isn't going to help, nor is it really the point. And you can imagine how other students might feel — especially those struggling through college on loans, work-study and cobbled financial aid packages — if their schools were to suddenly add on new levels of preferential treatment on top of what they already offer athletes in full rides, housing, food and future market opportunities. (The Oregonian via University Business)