On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Russian plagiarism, campus debt and grad speakers

Russia’s plagiarism problem: Even Putin has done it!  So many businessmen, academics and high-ranking government officials — President Vladimir Putin included — have been found to have plagiarized their college and doctoral theses that Russia’s education minister just denounced the revelations, saying they were hurting Russia’s reputation. (The Washington Post)

The Hidden College Problem: When Universities, Not Just Students, Take On Debt The trend of taking on more debt puts schools’ educational and social mission at odds with their financial needs, making it less likely that colleges will be able to do what they’re supposed to do – which is to provide a high quality education for students of all backgrounds. (Forbes via University Business)

What if Companies Designed All College Courses? The companies that win will dominate the college experience because what this really represents is the triumph of the instructional material, rather than the instructor, in forming an intellectual experience. (Washington Monthly)

When wooing graduation speakers, colleges have their talking points Schools not only offer honorary degrees and occasional fees, but send postcards, valentines and even videos to attract high-profile speakers. (Los Angeles Times)

A defense (of sorts) of the SAT  If the changes made to the 2016 test put test takers more at ease, that could mean their scores will better reflect what they know. (The Washington Post)