On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Profs’ textbooks, climate change and the 1.2% loan

College material or not: who should decide? Should the decision be made by policy makers and school officials? Or parents and students? (The Washington Post)

Assigning One’s Own Books to One’s Students Is it ethical to require students to buy a book that you wrote? Aren’t they already paying tuition for this professor’s expertise and knowledge? (Washington Monthly)

College Classes Use Arts to Brace for Climate Change The goal of one class is how to think about it, prepare for it and respond to it. Instead of scientific texts, the class, “The Cultures of Climate Change,” focuses on films, poetry, photography, essays and a heavy dose of the mushrooming subgenre of speculative fiction known as climate fiction. (The New York Times)

Work Colleges At seven "Work Colleges" around the country, students are required to work on campus as part of their studies — doing everything from landscaping, growing and cooking food to public relations and feeding farm animals — to pay off at least some of their tuition before they graduate. The arrangement not only makes college more affordable for students who otherwise might not be able to go, it also gives them real-life experience, teaches them responsibility and how to work together. (The Associated Press via NAICU)

Princeton Parents Win Jackpot With Low-Interest Education Loans For parents looking to pay for college, one of the best deals comes with a 1.2 percent, no-fee loan. The hitch: Your kid has to get into Princeton University. (Bloomberg via NAICU)