On Campus Blog

The Worst Trends in Higher Education  The real threat to higher education today is ideological: the expectation that universities will become instruments of society’s will, legislators’ will, governors’ will, that they will be required to produce specific quantifiable results, particularly economic, and to cease researching and teaching certain subjects that do not fit the utilitarian model. Read more →
The real meaning of diversity (beyond the Benetton ads) My personal background led me to question even the most basic assumptions, affording me the opportunity to examine history through a unique lens. And that is power of diversity — not that you are more colorful, but that you look at things differently, that you can push Read more →
Virginia Tech pays fine for failure to warn campus during 2007 mass shooting Virginia Tech has paid $32,500 to satisfy federal fines lodged by the U.S. Department of Education, which charged that the university did not adequately warn its campus community at the beginning of a 2007 rampage that became one of the deadliest mass Read more →
Video: Goldy Gopher travels to the edge of space
I had no idea balloons went that high. Fun clip: A team of students from the University of Minnesota sent their mascot, Goldy the Gopher, up to nearly 100,000 feet on a high altitude balloon mission. Goldy reached the edge of space along with experiments designed by the team of mostly Aerospace Engineering students. (Don’t Read more →
Despite the National Labor Relations Board Ruling, We Might Never Pay College Athletes Colleges could avoid having to worry about unions at all by just not offering scholarships to students. (Washington Monthly) ‘Dean of the College Media Business’ to Student Journalists: Stop Dropping Print! Don’t abandon it — at least not yet. And mess around Read more →
You may have just learned that fired football coach Todd Hoffner will return to his job at Minnesota State University, Mankato. Here’s the university’s reaction in an emailed announcement: “We have learned that Mr. Hoffner intends to return to Minnesota State Mankato tomorrow and we welcome him back to his position as head football coach. This Read more →
Jessica Medearis, associate director of the Minnesota State College Student Association, says how almost 20 years of work at MnSCU hasn’t been enough to make transferring schools within the system easy: “Our students are confused by the complexity of the system, and they’re really frustrated.” Read the full story here.
Should There Be Gainful Employment for College Athletes? Colleges aren’t penalized for athletes who leave without a degree, as long as they stay eligible while competing. This measure is likely more reasonable for athletes who leave for the professional ranks, but this excludes students who exhaust their eligibility and do not become professionals. The current system Read more →
Following last night’s Dinkytown hockey mayhem, University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler is sending this warning to students ahead of Saturday’s championship match against Union College: Let  me  be  clear:  Just  being  present  and  watching  a  riot  is,  in  itself,  a  violation  of  the  Student  Conduct  Code.  Bystanders  are  equally  at  risk  of  being  held Read more →