On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Female presidents, income-share agreements and the faculty crisis

Should There Be Gainful Employment for College Athletes? Colleges aren’t penalized for athletes who leave without a degree, as long as they stay eligible while competing. This measure is likely more reasonable for athletes who leave for the professional ranks, but this excludes students who exhaust their eligibility and do not become professionals. The current system doesn’t take graduation into account—a significant limitation in this case. (Washington Monthly)

Ex-contractor says he hacked into U-Md. databases to show security flaws’ seriousness David Helkowski, 32, has been linked to a security breach in March that involved accessing student grade-point averages and student and employee Social Security numbers and contact information, as well as exposing the Social Security and cellphone numbers of university President Wallace D. Loh. (The Washington Post)

The College Faculty Crisis The portrait of part-time instructors that emerges from a new study is alarming. (The New York Times)

Why So Few Women College Presidents? Women have increased their share of presidencies by 1 percentage point every two years; if they continue to increase their share of college presidencies at this rate, it will take 48 years to hold half of the college presidencies. (Forbes via University Business)

Because You’re Worth It  Income share agreements—contracts that allow investors to give individuals money upfront in exchange for a percentage of their future earnings—are quietly gaining a following among critics of the nation’s staggering student-debt problem. (Slate via NAICU)