On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Selfies, security rankings, and the worst higher-ed trends

The Worst Trends in Higher Education  The real threat to higher education today is ideological: the expectation that universities will become instruments of society’s will, legislators’ will, governors’ will, that they will be required to produce specific quantifiable results, particularly economic, and to cease researching and teaching certain subjects that do not fit the utilitarian model. (Washington Monthly)

English Higher Education Faces Enrollment Slowdown The credit ratings of English universities risk being damaged by a slowdown in their enrollment of full-time students from outside the European Union, according to a recent credit outlook paper published by the Moody’s rating agency. (The New York Times)

Study: Obama's College Rating Plan May Not Reach Low-Income Students The authors warn that the proposed federal ratings may not be able to both inform students and parents and hold universities accountable. (U.S. News & World Report via NAICU)

University bans selfies at graduation ceremony Bryant University students will be banned from taking selfies while they accept their degrees at the podium. (USA Today)

Why Using Campus Security Stats to Rank Colleges Won't Work Among other reasons: Lowed numbers of reports does not mean less sexual assault. (The Huffington Post)