On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Diversity, sexual assault and NYU’s apartment scandal

The real meaning of diversity (beyond the Benetton ads) My personal background led me to question even the most basic assumptions, affording me the opportunity to examine history through a unique lens. And that is power of diversity — not that you are more colorful, but that you look at things differently, that you can push academia further, challenge who gets to ask the questions and shape disciplines, and rewrite the very stories that make up our today. (The Washington Post)

Reining In Predatory Schools The for-profit college industry is pressuring the Obama administration to water down proposed new rules that would deny federal student aid to career training programs that saddle students with crippling debt while giving them useless credentials. (The New York Times)

State among the worst in awarding degrees to Hispanics may surprise you Gap with whites is narrowing, but some regions lag, new study finds. (The Hechinger Report)

NYU gave president’s aspiring actor son apartment on campus Jed Sexton, whose sole affiliation with NYU was his status as the president’s son, for years enjoyed a spacious faculty apartment while the university experienced a “severe” housing shortage. (New York Post via University Business)

Claire McCaskill To Quiz Colleges On How They Handle Sexual Assault Cases The Missouri senator says the survey will provide “an unprecedented look into exactly how our colleges and universities act — or sometimes, fail to act — to protect students, and bring perpetrators to justice.” (BuzzFeed via NAICU)