On Campus Blog

Education Department official: Rating colleges is ‘like rating a blender’  The administration thinks this will serve students well by revealing important data to families so they can better make college decisions. Critics say that all rating systems present a limited view of any institution and that the government already publishes a mountain of information on institutions of higher…
Instructor: MCTC rescinds reprimand over racial row
The note below just came in from Minneapolis Community and Technical College instructor Shannon Gibney, who last fall appealed a reprimand over how she handled a heated discussion of race with three white students. MCTC instructor: I was reprimanded for how I handled a discrimination debate (November 2013) I’ll try to get some MCTC comment/verification. (Update:…
Earlier this week, the progressive Institute for Policy Studies pulled a report critical of the administrative spending at the University of Minnesota and other universities because of questions over the accuracy its data. It has since reissued the report with some modified conclusions — which campus officials still dispute. I’d like to get more detail,…
Emory hires first African-American woman to lead top business school While three minority women are currently deans at American colleges of business, James will be the first to lead a full-time MBA program at a top-25 business school. (CNN via The Huffington Post) Elizabeth Warren on Spiraling Student Debt and What Should Be Done About It The…
A spokesman for the University of Minnesota — which took issue with its ranking in the Institute for Policy Studies’s report on administrative pay — pointed out this announcement this morning: IPS Statement on low-wage faculty findings: Due to questions about information we gathered from the American Federation of Teachers Higher Ed Data Center website, we…
Young Adults, Student Debt and Economic Well-Being An analysis of the most recent Survey of Consumer Finances finds that households headed by a young, college-educated adult without any student debt obligations have about seven times the typical net worth ($64,700) of households headed by a young, college-educated adult with student debt ($8,700). (Pew Research Center)…
U’s response to national report on admin pay
Having been named among the “Top 5 Most Unequal Public Universities” by the Institute for Policy Studies on Sunday, the University of Minnesota says the institute’s report — The One Percent at State U — is “outright wrong” and based on “inaccurate data” and a flawed methodology. Here is the U’s updated response from this…
Student Debt Grows Faster at Universities With Highest-Paid Leaders, Study Finds At the 25 public universities with the highest-paid presidents, both student debt and the use of part-time adjunct faculty grew far faster than at the average state university from 2005 to 2012, according to a new study by the Institute for Policy Studies, a left-leaning Washington…
Just got this statement from the U: Minnesota Legislature approves $119.4 million for U of M bonding projects  The Minnesota Legislature today approved $119.4 million in state funding for University of Minnesota bonding projects and appropriated additional funds via supplemental finance provisions. “I’d like to thank members of the House and Senate who have been Read more →
Examining New Legislation to Simplify Federal Financial Aid A relatively quick analysis suggests that Sen. Cory Booker’s proposal to raise the automatic zero EFC cutoff to $30,000 wouldn’t substantially change the Pell Grant awards of many students. (Washington Monthly) Who Gets to Graduate? Many high-achieving students from low-income families get to a good college and encounter what should Read more →