On Campus Blog

Notes: Coal, due process and simplified financial aid

Examining New Legislation to Simplify Federal Financial Aid A relatively quick analysis suggests that Sen. Cory Booker’s proposal to raise the automatic zero EFC cutoff to $30,000 wouldn’t substantially change the Pell Grant awards of many students. (Washington Monthly)

Who Gets to Graduate? Many high-achieving students from low-income families get to a good college and encounter what should be a minor obstacle -- and they freak out. They don’t want to ask for help, or they don’t know how. Things spiral, and before they know it, they’re back at home, resentful, demoralized and in debt. (The New York Times)

Gov. Brown says UC divestment from coal is a possibility It's a move that could echo a recent decision by Stanford University. (Los Angeles Times)

For-profit colleges, student advocates lobby Obama Stakeholders on both sides of the debate are ramping up their push on the administration just as the public comment period on a proposed "gainful employment" regulation is set to close May 26. (USA Today via University Business)

Attack on campus sexual assaults must not destroy due process Presumption of innocence is a question that haunts the proceedings of sexual misconduct panels at colleges and universities. Is the accused young man capable of being restored to the community or is he too corrupted by rape culture? (The Hechinger Report via NAICU)