On Campus Blog

Notes: Nap stations, commencement, and student data

Education Department official: Rating colleges is ‘like rating a blender’  The administration thinks this will serve students well by revealing important data to families so they can better make college decisions. Critics say that all rating systems present a limited view of any institution and that the government already publishes a mountain of information on institutions of higher education. (The Washington Post)

The Commencement Speaker Problem This year, some students have apparently decided to liven up the festivities through protest. (Washington Monthly)

For-Profit Colleges Face Test From State, Federal Officials Governments Say Some Programs Lack Proper Accreditation. (The Wall Street Journal)

Federal Regulators Seek to Stop Sale of Students’ Data The ConnectEDU bankruptcy and potential sale of its databases come at a time of heightened concern over the bulk collection of student information by private education technology companies. (The New York Times)

U Michigan Libraries Open Nap Stations Right now, the nap stations consist of inexpensive vinyl cots and pillows housed in disposable paper pillowcases, the same kind you would see in a hospital setting. While it’s not exactly the lap of luxury, those amenities make for better options than landing face down on a textbook or keyboard. The biggest change for students may be the addition of temporary lockers where they can store their personal belongings. That extra degree of security can help people sleep easier, knowing their jackets and bookbags will be on lockdown until they get their second wind. (Library Journal via University Business)