On Campus Blog

Notes: Evolution, remediation and $80 free applications

Young Adults, Student Debt and Economic Well-Being An analysis of the most recent Survey of Consumer Finances finds that households headed by a young, college-educated adult without any student debt obligations have about seven times the typical net worth ($64,700) of households headed by a young, college-educated adult with student debt ($8,700). (Pew Research Center)

Who Should Provide Remediation? A few four-year campuses have given up on letting community colleges do remediation and decided, well, the hell with it; we’ll just do it ourselves. Students can take regular credit courses, and the colleges will provide extra help, if needed. (Washington Monthly)

Christian College Faces Uproar After Bolstering Its View on Evolution It reflects the problems many Christian colleges face as they try to balance religious beliefs with secular education. (The New York Times)

 How a website charges $80 to fill out a free application Applying for federal help to pay for college is supposed to be free. It's right there in the name of the form students fill out to qualify: the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. But at least two websites -- FAFSA.com and FAFSA-application.com -- charge almost $80 to fill out essentially the same form the Education Department offers for free. (Vox via NAICU)

Higher ed becoming a joke American colleges are fraught with petty politics and bad economics. (USA Today via University Business)