Crime, Law and Justice

A couple that was reported missing from Lakeville last week has been charged with neglecting their two young children during the five days they spent living in a car they'd taken from the man's mother.
Tensions escalate as police clear protesters near Dakota Access pipeline
Law enforcement in North Dakota arrested more than 140 on private land owned by the pipeline company. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe wants to prevent the pipeline from running under the Missouri River.
St. Paul cops poised to test body cams
Officers in the city's western district will turn the cameras on starting Nov. 9. The test will include uniformed patrol, K-9 and traffic enforcement authorities, officials said Thursday.
Police evict oil pipeline protesters from private land
Law enforcement officers in riot gear and firing bean bags and pepper spray evicted protesters Thursday from private land in the path of the Dakota Access oil pipeline, dramatically escalating a dispute over Native American rights and the project's environmental impact that has simmered for months.
Family of man killed by Burnsville cops sues
Map Kong's family says Burnsville police weren't properly trained to handle his mental breakdown in a McDonald's parking lot. Officers say they shot him after fearing he would attack drivers stopped in traffic.