Crime, Law and Justice

Video: Man bitten by K-9, kicked by St. Paul cop; chief apologizes
Chief Todd Axtell released dash cam video of the police confrontation with an African-American man. Two officers have been disciplined. The man's lawyer described his client's injuries in gruesome detail.
Prosecutors Thursday asked a judge to hand down sentences from 3.5 to 40 years to Minnesota men involved in a plot to join ISIS. The recommendations came as the nine men expressed remorse and sought leniency.
FBI investigating burning of black church painted with 'Vote Trump'
The fire that largely gutted the century-old church in Greenville, Miss., has been ruled an arson. The mayor called the attack an attempt to scare voters days ahead of the presidential election.
NAACP supports St. Paul police body cams, but cautions planned use of footage flawed
St. Paul NAACP President Jeff Martin says prior review of footage could influence an officer to write a report to conform with what the video appears to show, instead of what he or she actually saw and thought at the time.