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From Minnesota Public Radio News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what's exciting in local art.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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Art Hounds: New theater at Raw Stages
David Cunningham’s “City Life” opens at Gallery 360. Raw Stages’ New Works Festival stages a different reading of a work-in-progress at History Theatre. Minneapolis band Sycamore Gap performs to benefit the Arbitrarium art house. 
Art Hounds: Revisiting roots
The “Rooted Legacy” photo exhibit from Urban Roots, by and of Hmong-American youth, is on view at Indigenous Roots in St. Paul. Bold Choice Theatre presents the original country western musical “Sundown at the Jasper Jewel” at the Duluth Playhouse and “Off Book” opens Saturday at HUGE Improv Theater.  
Art Hounds: Opera, a cappella and theater
The a cappella group Johnson Street Underground entertains audiences at their holiday concert this Saturday at Winona Arts Center. New Native Theatre’s play “A Christmas in Ochopee” runs through this weekend. Skylark Opera Theatre stages “The Gift of the Magi” in St Paul. 
Art Hounds: Holiday recommendations
It’s a holiday line-up this week for Art Hounds. La Grande Bande presents a French Baroque Christmas in St. Peter and St. Paul this weekend, St. Croix Valley Chamber Chorale performs its Christmas concert this weekend in Stillwater, and Trekkies unite for the play “It’s an Honorable Life,” a Klingon take of the George Bailey classic, at Mounds Theatre in St. Paul. 
Art Hounds: The past and present of Native art
The November exhibit at the Northwoods Friends of the Arts in Cook is “Native American Art: Past and Present," featuring work by local Native American artists. Off-Leash Theater Productions presents its second “Off-Kilter Cabaret” this weekend and The Commonweal Theatre Company stages the musical comedy “She Loves Me.” 
Art Hounds: Three very different plays about immigration 
Art Hounds recommend three very different plays in the Twin Cities that have immigration as a theme. Combustible Theatre resurrects Eugene O’Neill’s 1922 play “The Hairy Ape,” Full Circle Theater stages “Anon(ymous)” and Fortune Fool’s new musical “Cold Planet Warm Heart.”
Art Hounds: Art meets vinyl
Mazinibii’igewininiwag: Two Woodland Artists exhibit opens at AICHO Galleries in Duluth. Mayo Clinic presents An Evening with Michael Feinstein and a discussion of music’s effect on the brain and memory this Saturday in Rochester. The Da Da Duende Record Club, new this year, offers a quarterly zine and lathe-cut record to subscribers. 
Art Hounds: 'Uncle Vanya,' but make it hilarious
It’s a Minnesota music double music feature on Art Hounds this week. The Winona Symphony Orchestra performs, featuring Minnesota composer Libby Larsen. The Bakken Ensemble celebrates the bassoon. And “Life Sucks” at the Open Eye Theatre in Minneapolis.