Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Snow likely tonight; 1 to 3 inches by daybreak Sunday
The snow-making system that has been showing up on the computer models since midweek is just beginning to show mixed precipitation in North Dakota.  The most recent short term model output continues the trend of lighter amounts, with no clear bulls-eye of heavy accumulation. Snow, mixed at times with rain in the Minnesota River Valley,…
Thaw, snow, thaw, arctic blast?
Another Pacific warm front brings a morning wintry mix, and an afternoon thaw on Friday. The next clipper moves in Saturday night with accumulating snow likely.
January Thaw part II: Near 40 by Friday
January Lite Somebody flipped the winter switch to the “off” position last week. After a bone chilling week of sub-zero lows, winter has hit the pause button. The Twin Cities piled up six straight days with highs in the 30s through Tuesday. Polar Vortex? Not so much. The best we can do this week is a…
Brushed by a Clipper, more snow Sunday?
Our well advertised Alberta Clipper is brushing southern Minnesota with a fresh winter coat. The metro lies on the northern edge of the snow zone, with any icy mix along parts of the Minnesota River Valley.