Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Snow on Saturday night on track for Minnesota

An efficient snow producing system is still expected to take shape over North Dakota on Saturday afternoon and spread a swath of snow across much of Minnesota on Saturday night.

Computer models had previously placed the band of heaviest snow in Minnesota from Bemidji through Brainerd and Duluth to about Eau Claire, Wis., during the overnight on Saturday.


I'm looking at mixed messages on the sweet spot for snow accumulation from the computer models this morning.  So let's just stick with this nice depiction of snowfall potential from the National Weather Service for now.

Currently, snow is forecast to develop in eastern North Dakota Saturday and spread southeast in the afternoon and  evening hours.  For east central Minnesota and Wisconsin the best period for accumulating snowfall looks to occur from late Saturday evening to daybreak on Sunday.

Stay tuned for for updates later this afternoon.