Weather and Climate News

Unsettled weather Wednesday; U.S. has second warmest January through July
There was a symphony of lawnmowers in my St. Paul neighborhood late Tuesday afternoon. I think the word is out that showers and thunderstorms are in our forecast for Wednesday and Thursday! Rain chances A cold front will move into eastern parts of North Dakota and South Dakota on Wednesday, spreading showers and thunderstorms toward…
Another winner on Tuesday; Wednesday rain chance
Minnesotans enjoyed some of the finest weather in the country on Monday, and Tuesday will be just as nice. An outdoor lunch or dinner will be pleasant on Tuesday, with highs in the 70s over northern and central Minnesota, and some lower 80s in the south: Wednesday highs should be in the 70s across most…
Lovely Monday and Tuesday, then stormy mid-week
Today will be a lovely August day with much sunshine after the fog lifts. High temperatures will range from the mid 70s to low 80s with comfortable humidities. The Twin Cities should warm to about 80.
Coolish August weather will continue, a bit unsettled at times
Temperatures that have been on the cooler-than-normal-for-August side will continue through Sunday and the upcoming week. High pressure from Canada will treat us to not only comfortable temperatures but also pleasant dew points mainly in the 50s. Expect high temperatures across Minnesota Sunday afternoon mainly in the 70s with light winds. The Twin Cities should…
Some sun at times, with a shower or thunderstorm possible
If you ask a meteorologist whether you’ll need your sunglasses or your umbrella this weekend, they’ll probably say “yes”. We’ll have some periods of sun or a sun/cloud mix, but scattered showers and a few thunderstorms are possible both days, mainly during the afternoon and evening hours. The Storm Prediction Center of the National Weather…
Back to the 70s
Minnesota and western Wisconsin could see some scattered showers and an isolated thunderstorm both days this weekend, mainly during the afternoon and early evening hours.
Periods of rain,and possibly a t-storm
If you have outdoor plans this Thursday, I hope that you have a “plan B”. Most of Minnesota will have periods of rain, and there could also be a few thunderstorms. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s North American Mesoscale forecast model shows the potential rain pattern: The color chart to the right of the…