Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Lovely Monday and Tuesday, then stormy mid-week

Clearing skies, light winds and fresh moisture on the ground from Sunday's rain allowed areas of fog to form overnight. Much of the densest fog formed in low-lying areas where cool air pooled.

The hill-and-valley country of southeastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin is particularly prone to this type of fog, called radiation fog because the nighttime infrared radiation out to space removes heat from the surface which then cools the air. Fog forms when the temperature of the air has cooled to the dew point and saturation, 100-percent relative humidity, is reached.

A dense fog advisory has been posted for parts of southeastern Minnesota and west central Wisconsin until 9 a.m., including Wabasha, Minn., and Alma, Wis.

Aug 7 - dense fog adv
Dense fog advisory until 9 a.m. today. National Weather Service La Crosse

After sunrise, areas of radiation fog showed up on visible satellite photos.

Aug 7 - fog
Visible satellite photo this morning. NOAA/University of Wisconsin-Madison

Today will be a lovely August day with much sunshine after the fog lifts. High temperatures will range from the mid 70s to low 80s with comfortable humidities. The Twin Cities should warm to about 80.

Aug 7 - fcst sfc map Mon
Forecast surface weather map for Monday. NOAA Weather Prediction Center

As indicated on the forecast weather map above, periods of heavy rain might bring areas of flash flooding from Texas to the mid-Atlantic states today and tonight. The region around eastern Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and southern New Jersey has the best chance of being in the flooding bullseye.

Aug 7 - excessive rainfall outlook
Excessive rainfall outlook through 7 a.m. Tuesday. NOAA Weather Prediction Center

Meanwhile, in the western Caribbean

Tropical Storm Franklin has revved up and will be targeting Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula beginning tonight.

Aug 7 - ts franklin
Tropical Storm Franklin with maximum sustained winds of 45 mph this morning. national Hurricane Center

Full moon

Try to catch a view of the full moon later this evening. It will rise in the east at 8:33 p.m. in the Twin Cities, just a few minutes after sunset.

Aug 7 - full moon
Typical gorgeous full moon. U. S. Naval Observatory

Next chances of showers and thunderstorms

Tuesday will be another very pleasant day with slightly warmer temperatures, comfortable humidities and some increasing cloudiness.

Then the weather will become unsettled again for mid-week. A soggy weather system will bring numerous showers and thunderstorms into Minnesota on Wednesday and then lingering on Thursday.

Friday is likely to be dry with just a slight chance of a shower.

As of this early date, next weekend appears to be up for grabs. There is a good chance that it will be much like this past weekend with comfortable temperatures and a scattering of showers and storms to keep the lawns green.