Weather and Climate News

Snow is a hassle for some, fun for others

A teen flies in the air with a sled
AJ Westanmo, 13, catches air off a freshly-crafted snow jump as Nathan Chapman, 12, left, and Lukas Wammer, 13, watch at Hyland Hills Park on Dakota Road in Bloomington on Wednesday.
Courtney Perry for MPR News

Twin Cities residents woke up to more than eight inches of snow on the ground Wednesday as a pre-Thanksgiving Day storm slammed the metro area overnight.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation reported dozens of traffic accidents on metro roads as drivers contended with the first major snowstorm of the season. But traffic was generally light as many schools closed and workers stayed home.

For some of those who didn’t have to be anywhere, the first big shot of winter was a chance to get reacquainted with Minnesota weather.

Retirees Jeff and Marcie Kroschel got to work on snow removal in their Woodbury neighborhood.

He fired up the snowblower while she grabbed a shovel to clear several inches of wet, heavy snow from their driveway — and just kept going.

“We did ours, we went over and did theirs and now we’re doing theirs because they both work and we don’t,” Marcie said. “Then I did the fire hydrant so that was clear and I did the mail stop, too.”

Her cheeks were rosy and her glasses slightly fogged by then. The couple’s quest to clear Timberlea Drive was open-ended.

“You do it until you can’t anymore, right?” She said, adding, “You know, it’s better than going to the fitness center, right?”

The Lindstedt clan was also out early, but for another reason. Five-year-old Joy and six-year-old Judah dragged parents Kristen and Jordan to a sledding hill at the neighborhood school. Mom and dad shivered in a stiff wind as the bundled-up youngsters zoomed down.

“They woke up this morning and they were pumped to see the snow and they wasted no time getting out here,” Jordan said.

When asked whether he was as excited, the response was more reasoned.

“Well, I willingly live in Minnesota, so I guess I have to be,” Jordan Lindstedt said. “I’m happy that they’re happy. I’ll put it that way.”

“It feels like an early start this year but they love it,” Kristen Lindstedt said. “They love it. So, we’ll take it.”

The kids ignored their parents suggestion that they wrap it up after a few more times down the hill.

Dad had to resort to a Minnesota bribe.

“Alright, let’s go home and have some hot chocolate!”