
Appetites: Making food service work -- not just food -- sustainable

Anne Spaeth, founder of The Lynhall
Anne Spaeth, founder of The Lynhall, talked to MPR News host Tom Crann about wellness in food service, an industry disproportionately impacted by poor mental health and addiction.
Courtesy Eliesa Johnson of Restaurant Project

Service workers, like those in the restaurant industry, are more likely to struggle with mental health issues than those in almost any other field, especially tipped workers and women. That's according to a study published last year in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Workers in the restaurant business deal with job uncertainty, lack of benefits, low pay and inconsistent scheduling — all of which can can have an effect on mental health.

As part of Mental Health Month, service workers are gathering at The Lynhall in South Minneapolis to take part in the Nourish Series. It is an opportunity to learn more about "self-healing methods of recovery and prevention of depression, anxiety, and chemical dependency."

"We talk so much in our industry about food sustainability, but we don't want to lose people to overdose, to people burning out and leaving the industry. We've reached a level where it's not sustainable anymore," Anne Spaeth, founder of The Lynhall, told MPR News host Tom Crann. "That's the conversation we're having at The Lynhall; how do we get to people before they jump off the cliff?"

To hear more of her conversation with Tom, click play above.

This interview is part of "Call to Mind," MPR's initiative to foster new conversations around mental health.