Friday Roundtable: A candid conversation about addiction

An addict in recovery writes motivational quotes.
A drug addict in recovery writes a list of motivational quotes at a substance abuse treatment center in Westborough, Mass.
John Moore | Getty Images file

Addiction dominates the headlines, but how to recover from addiction and live with its aftermath is often left out.

What do scientists and community support organizations say about what works to treat addiction? Why is the conversation often focused on substances rather than the people? What remains deeply misunderstood about addiction?

Today on the Friday Roundtable, four guests confront those issues head on with MPR News Host Kerri Miller:

Claire E. Wilson, assistant commissioner to the community supports administration at the Minnesota Department of Human Services

Jacqueline Dionne, the Minnesota Department of Health's first Director of American Indian Health

Dr. Joseph Lee, medical director for Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation's youth services

DFL State Sen. Chris Eaton, who represents the 40th District of Minnesota

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