Listen: Friday roundtable on the media

This is a roundtable "mid-stream" in our summer media series. We've contemplated fake news, considered anonymous sources, explained why people leak to reporters and discussed what objectivity means. Today MPR News host Kerri Miller and a panel of guests takes stock of what we've learned so far.


Gayle Golden is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Minnesota's Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

Naaima Kahn is program director at the Bush Foundation and a member of the board of the Islamic Resource Group.

Pat Lopez is an editorial writer for the Star Tribune

This show is part of our summer media series. To hear more, you can listen to our installments on media bias, fake news, anonymous sources and leaks, how MPR makes editorial decisions and the influence of conservative media. Use the audio player above to hear the full segment.