Stadium Watch Blog

The new Target Center math
The Star Tribune’s Eric Roper reports that the bill for rebuilding Target Center has been formally slashed by a third. From the original $150 million plan, the project has been cut first to $135 million and now to $100 million, according to Roper. The number was slumping as low as $95 million in preliminary plans offered…
Now, on Target (Center)
There's been a lot of attention on the Vikings stadium, and now the other half of that stadium deal -- the renovation of Target Center -- is about to get off the ground. The city announced today it was setting up the "implementation committee" that will guide the planned $135 million renovation of the city-owned basketball arena.
Did Dayton finger the reset button on St. Paul Saints stadium?
The city of St. Paul has decided it's going to put a big chunk of the $54 million Lowertown ballpark project out for bid, after a lawsuit challenged the decision by the administration of Mayor Chris Coleman to give the building work to Ryan Construction.
More Eye Candy
The "Meet the Architect" gathering at the Minneapolis Convention Center yesterday featured some new Vikings stadium renderings from HKS. The headline: they weren't kidding with the transparent roof or the Gehry-esque "ribbon roof."
HKS makes a public pitch
HKS architects kicked off its "listening tour" with a show and tell in Mineapolis today.
A well-known construction law firm, the Taxpayers League of Minnesota and the one-time chairman of the St. Paul Republican party have filed a lawsuit to block the award of the design-build contract for the new St. Paul Saints stadium to Ryan Construction in Minneapolis. Fabyanski, Westra, Hart and Thomson is the same lawfirm that the…
The OTHER reason HKS is designing a new stadium
Dallas-based HKS Inc. may have been selected to design the new stadium, and there was a fair amount of discussion about why at the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority meeting last week.  At least one stadium watcher praised the firm for its “third way,” for coming up with some novel, flexible alternatives to the gasbag that is…
What Is, and What Should Never Be (Vikings edition)
As the stadium rocking lads from London observed: it’s to a castle we’ll soon be taken. And here’s what it will, and what it probably WON’T won’t look like. We painstakingly extracted these images from the architectural and design service bids to the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority. They picked HKS, and if you read through the hundreds…
Opening the stadium bids
HKS was named to design the new Vikings stadium on Friday. (That’s another version of their proposed stadium at right.) But lest you think the die is cast, there’s plenty of leftovers to chew among the other bidders if you’re a stadium geek. Floor plans. Financial statements. Peeks into other projects, like the St. Paul…
First look
Here are the renderings just released by the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority, in connection with the selection of HKS as the architectural firm that will design the new downtown Minneapolis stadium.   University of Minnesota College of Design dean Tom Fisher called the “ribbon” roof  “really out of the box.”