Stadium Watch Blog

Minnesota Supreme Court wants to see Vikings stadium bond arguments
The Minnesota Supreme Court says it wants the two sides in the constitutional battle over financing the new Vikings stadium to submit their paperwork. The justices said stadium opponent Doug Mann and Minnesota Management and Budget need to make their arguments in writing to the court by the end of business on Thursday. They’ve got Read more →
Here is the  response from the Minnesota Department of Management and Budget  to the legal challenge to the financing of the new Vikings stadium. From the Associated Press: A state agency that was set to sell public bonds for the Minnesota Vikings stadium said in a legal filing Tuesday that a lawsuit holding up that $468 million Read more →
The agency managing construction of the new Minnesota Vikings stadium says it has filed motions to intervene in a lawsuit challenging the project’s financing method. Former mayoral candidate Doug Mann, his wife Linda Mann, and former school board member David Tilsen sued the state on Friday. They claim it’s illegal to use city sales taxes Read more →
Second lawsuit from opponent threatens to stop Vikings stadium
A last-minute legal challenge to the financing of the new Vikings stadium is delaying the process yet again. A petition for a writ of prohibition was filed in the Minnesota Supreme Court to restrain Jim Showalter, commissioner of Minnesota Management and Budget, from selling bonds to pay for construction of a new Vikings Stadium. The Read more →
Will the Twins beat the Vikings to major league soccer?
The Strib’s Mike Kaszuba takes a stab today at the nexus between the Minnesota United Football Club and the Minnesota Twins. John Vomhof Jr. over at the Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal broke the news last month that the Twins and Minnesota United traveled together to Kansas City to take a look at that soccer Read more →
How Vikings tickets will work at the Gophers’ TCF Bank stadium
The Vikings are out explaining what’s going on with their tickets. They had a Q&A out in Winter Park today, and here’s what they had to say: Q: What’s the status of the tickets at TCF Bank Stadium? A: All 52,000 seats have been offered to season ticket holders, who are weighing whether they want Read more →
Vikings stadium builders promise they won’t upturn neighborhood
About 60 people gathered in a basement room across from the Metrodome to hear how the stadium, which will be built over the next three years, will affect their businesses or the economic fortunes of their communities.
They were pouring concrete today at the new Vikings stadium site
Construction crews have hit another milestone for the new Vikings stadium. “The concrete started today,” said Michele Kelm-Helgen, chair of the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority, the state agency charged with building the place. It’s actually starting a little early. Mortenson Construction vice president John Wood previously said he expected concrete work to start in mid-January.  Read more →
Wilf strikes back at NJ court ruling
Minnesota Vikings owner Zygi Wilf has appealed a court ruling requiring him and his family to pay $100 million in damages and legal fees over a broken deal to develop an apartment complex in his home state of New Jersey.
Here’s the playbook for the Vikings plans to move their fans to TCF Bank Stadium at the University of Minnesota: The team has posted the map and ticket prices on their website. Prices range from $35 to $139 for season tickets, per game. The Vikings are planning to unveil more of their plans for the Read more →