Stadium Watch Blog

Minnesota Supreme Court wants to see Vikings stadium bond arguments

MN Supreme Court
Supreme Court justices are weighing whether or not to take up a Vikings stadium funding challenge. (Photo: MN Supreme Court)

The Minnesota Supreme Court says it wants the two sides in the constitutional battle over financing the new Vikings stadium to submit their paperwork.

The justices said stadium opponent Doug Mann and Minnesota Management and Budget need to make their arguments in writing to the court by the end of business on Thursday. They've got 10 pages to make their case.

The order follows the filing of a legal challenge to the stadium bond sale filed last week -- a challenge that called a time out on the state's $468 million bond sale scheduled for Monday. Minnesota Management and Budget responded today, saying that the last-minute challenge was too late, that the Supreme Court wasn't the appropriate venue to start resolution of the dispute, and that the core of the dispute -- a requirement that the city of Minneapolis service $150 million of debt on the stadium --  is constitutional. Challengers Doug and Linda Mann and David Tilsen allege it's a violation of constitutional separation of political jurisdictions.

The state Supreme Court is dipping a toe into the dispute by asking for briefs arguing the case. The court also granted the Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority's request to intervene in the matter. But another letter from Supreme Court Commissioner Rita Coyle DeMeules said the court will NOT be granting the request by the MSFA to hold a hearing on the authority's motion this week, "but will notify the parties if a hearing on the motion is scheduled."