
Legislators: Vikings stadium bill comes next week
Two Minnesota lawmakers plan to introduce a bill next week with a plan for building a new Vikings stadium paid for in part with a state sales taxes on sports memorabilia and luxury boxes, plus stadium naming rights, a pro football player income tax surcharge and a lottery game.
Garrison Keillor interviews baseball historian John Thorn
Author and historian John Thorn was just named the Official Baseball Historian for Major League Baseball. He speaks with Garrison Keillor at the Fitzgerald Theater about the early history of baseball and his new book, "Baseball in the Garden of Eden: The Secret History of the Early Game," as part of a series of conversations sponsored by Common Good Books.
Experts debate how to fund new Vikings stadium
A Minnesota Vikings official stressed the various ways in which the team gives back to the state as he debated other experts Wednesday about whether public funding should be used to build a new stadium for the NFL team.
The business of college athletics
March Madness is upon us again, and millions of Americans are glued to their screens as college basketball teams vie to win the multi-billion NCAA tournament. But as the business of big-time college athletics grows, many continue to wonder if the athletes playing the games should be paid.