Race: Conversations around race and racial justice

Here are the latest on the fight against racism, voices calling for racial justice and in-depth stories on communities of color and other racial issues from MPR News.

Voices of Minnesota Calls for change across the state

Protests and pain The killing of George Floyd

Call To Mind Spotlight on black trauma and policing

Amplifying voices Share your experiences and hopes for the future

Dictionary.com's largest update (re)defines thousands of words, focusing on identity
The digital dictionary updated some 15,000 entries, including adding 650 entirely new words from popular culture. Many of the revisions deal with topics related to identity, like race and gender.
In Breonna Taylor's hometown, 90-day protest becomes family
Demonstrators arrived at the nondescript park in Louisville, Ky., months ago to demand justice for George Floyd and for Breonna Taylor. The demonstrators were strangers to each other then. They were faces in a sea of humanity, unaware that their devotion to this square would soon tether them together. 
Rochester, N.Y., mayor suspends officers over Black man's asphyxiation death
Daniel Prude was arrested in March after behaving erratically on a city street. Officers placed a protective hood over his head and Prude ultimately stopped breathing. He died a week later.
Biden, in Kenosha, says U.S. confronting 'original sin'
Joe Biden told residents of Kenosha, Wis., that recent turmoil following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, could help Americans confront centuries of systemic racism, drawing a sharp contrast with President Donald Trump amid a reckoning that has galvanized the nation.
Americans increasingly polarized when it comes to racial justice protests, poll finds
More Americans support than oppose recent protests after the shooting in Kenosha, Wis., according to an Ipsos poll. But sharp divisions are emerging along racial and political party lines.
Trump's base is shrinking as whites without a college degree continue to decline
Whites without a college degree have gone from 45 percent of eligible voters in 2016 to 41 percent, per a Brookings Institution and NPR analysis. Meanwhile, whites with a degree and Latinos are on the rise.
APM Reports documentary: Black at Mizzou — Confronting race on campus
In 2015, Lauren Brown left her mostly Black neighborhood in Chicago for the University of Missouri. Moving to a predominantly white college was a huge shock, made even more difficult by the racial harassment she faced that fall. That same semester, the campus erupted in protests that made international news. Brown is the host of this APM Reports documentary, “Black at Mizzou: Confronting race on campus.”
African Americans have disparate rates of colon cancer
A recent study from the American Journal of Pathology found "African Americans have the highest incidence and mortality rates of colorectal cancer of any ethnic group in the United States." Dr. Renée Crichlow talks about some contributing factors.