Race: Conversations around race and racial justice

Here are the latest on the fight against racism, voices calling for racial justice and in-depth stories on communities of color and other racial issues from MPR News.

Voices of Minnesota Calls for change across the state

Protests and pain The killing of George Floyd

Call To Mind Spotlight on black trauma and policing

Amplifying voices Share your experiences and hopes for the future

For some Minnesota Latinos, the future is filled with cautious hope
Latino voters were wildly misunderstood in the 2020 presidential election. Pollsters and pundits who spoke of a Latino “bloc” that would vote reflexively for Democrats came to discover it did not exist. We asked Minnesota Latinos what motivated their 2020 vote for president, and how hopeful they were feeling about the coming year. 
'Subax wanaagsan': In St. Cloud Somali language class, using greetings to build connection
A St. Cloud social worker is single-handedly helping to overcome barriers in her community by teaching others about her native Somali culture and language, one phrase at a time.
Watching history from afar, some Harris supporters feel 'robbed' of a big moment
For so many people, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' inauguration is a momentous occasion. But it is also a moment that has been stripped of much of the traditional pomp and circumstance.
Doctor uses own doubts about vaccine to assure patients
Dr. Nathan Chomilo is convinced that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, but he also doesn’t hesitate to tell his patients that he had many of the concerns they share with him in clinic.
Minneapolis MLK Day speakers: Deval Patrick, Rev. Bernice King and Andrew Young
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast “virtual” speakers in 2021: Rev. Bernice King and Ambassador Andrew Young. As well as the 2016 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast keynote speaker: former Massachusetts governor and civil rights attorney Deval Patrick.
'I may not get there with you': An eyewitness account of MLK's final days
Clara Jean Ester was a college student in 1968 when she saw Martin Luther King Jr. give his final speech. A day later, Ester was at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn., when he was assassinated.