MPR News Presents

Gary Cunningham on building Black wealth and an economy that works for all

Hodges inauguration
Gary Cunningham and his wife Betsy Hodges celebrate Hodges' inauguration as Minneapolis Mayor in January 2013 at the Thorpe Building in northeast Minneapolis.
Jennifer Simonson | MPR News 2014

As the Biden administration tries to find ways to fix the economy, many people believe a key problem is the lack of economic mobility in America, which is worse than it was in the 1950s and 60s.

Former Minneapolis resident and Metropolitan Council member Gary Cunningham is now the President and CEO of a Washington, D.C., organization called "Prosperity Now."

He says we need a democracy and economy that works for everyone, and that to have full Black participation in American society, we must address the income and asset gap and build Black wealth.

Cunningham spoke on Jan. 12 at a virtual event hosted by the University of Minnesota Humphrey School, and professor Larry Jacobs moderated the event.

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