Social Issues

To many, Girl Scouts are as American as the flag and apple pie. But the scouts are adapting, changing their ways to attract and keep girls who haven't traditionally joined a troop, including the children of immigrants. Scouting seems to particularly appeal to Muslims girls.
Since 1973, more than 20 truth commissions have been established around the world. Their goal is to investigate violations of human rights and foster reconciliation. But can people learn to peacefully coexist after years of conflict? And should those who commit political atrocities be forgiven?
For years, charities have been collecting cars and reselling them to make money. Car donations have generated millions of dollars for nonprofit organizations. But that may be changing because of a recent change in federal tax law.
Prime Minster Tony Blair said the bombings in London appeared to be a terrorist attack timed to disrupt the meeting of the eight big industrial nations. Midmorning examines the politics of the G8 and discusses how Thursday's explosions could affect the summit.
Author Kevin Powell says that African Americans need to be empowered, not just economically and politically, but also in the areas of physical and mental health. Powell spoke recently at a forum in Minneapolis named for his book "Who's Gonna Take the Weight?"
Thousands of sex offenders in Minnesota must remain anonymous under state law. That means even if law enforcement considers them a danger to the public, they can't tell people when one of these offenders moves into a neighborhood.
He first promoted the idea that artists and other creative types could revitalize neighborhoods just by moving in. Now Florida looks at where the next creative class is coming from, and why the U.S. may not benefit from their talents.
On Tuesday, 41 years to the day after a mob of klansmen killed three young civil rights workers in central Mississippi, a jury found an 80-year-old preacher named Edgar Ray Killen guilty of manslaughter in the case. At the time, the killings drew national attention to the racial segregation in Mississippi. American RadioWorks told the story of what came to be known as "Freedom Summer" in their 2001 documentary, "Oh Freedom Over Me."