Social Issues

One of the perks of being an artist is sometimes you get to name your own show. Painter and sketch artist Donovan Durham called his: "Donovan Durham's Fantastic Print Show." It turns out his life story is just as fantastic as his art.
Whistleblowers are often honored by the media and in the movies. But acting in an ethical way doesn't always have a positive outcome. What price do whistleblowers pay for revealing wrongdoing?
Broadcaster Peter Jennings died of lung cancer on Sunday. His death, as well as the departures of Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather from their evening news slots, could suggest the age of the television anchor is over. Midmorning discusses the role and the future of the network news icon.
As requests for political asylum are growing, federal judges and the Immigration and Naturalization Service are becoming less certain about current asylum policy.
The NCAA is banning the use of American Indian mascots by sports teams during its postseason tournaments. Regionally, the announcement is expected to have the most impact at the University of North Dakota, home of the Fighting Sioux.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was the most famous black orator in history, but he was hardly alone. For generations, African Americans have been demanding justice and equality, reminding America to make good on its founding principles. This American RadioWorks documentary explores the crucial role these orators played in the long struggle for equal rights.
The Minnesota attorney general's office confirms that it's investigating the mortgage lending practices of Ameriquest, one of the country's largest home mortgage lenders.
Some of the Red Lake Indian Reservation's brightest young people are coming together to do what they can to tackle the tribe's problems. The goal of the new group, The Red Lake Nation Youth Council, is to create a better life for kids.
It's not quite a cast of thousands, but the performance is still epic in scope. A group of volunteers in Pipestone is ready to present Longfellow's "Song of Hiawatha" for the 57th year.
The U.S. Surgeon General says the effect of terrorism is the greatest mental health issue facing the nation. Midmorning examines the impact of violence on both citizens and societies.