Social Issues

Senate DFL Leader Dean Johnson apologized Friday for statements he made earlier in the year, which indicated that State Supreme Court justices had told him they would not overturn Minnesota's law banning gay marriage. Johnson says he "embellished" conversations he had with court justices.
Johnson apologizes for gay marriage remarks
Senate Majority Leader Dean Johnson says he embellished when he said Supreme Court justices told him they wouldn't overturn the state's marriage law, and he's sorry. The Republican Party wasted no time in producing a new ad that criticizes Johnson's actions.
A pastor who secretly recorded State Senate Majority Leader Dean Johnson's recent comments about gay marriage and the State Supreme Court, says he has no regrets he did so. Rev. Brent Waldemarsen of the Harvest Community Church in Willmar spoke with MPR's Cathy Wurzer.
The gay marriage debate
Same-sex marriage is stirring the Minnesota Legislature again. Local advocates of a state constitutional amendment to ban same sex marriage want Minnesota to join several other states that already have such bans written in their constitutions or have such a measure on the 2006 ballot.
Growing Up Indian
American Indian children are at the bottom of nearly every national indicator of well being -- suicide rates, dropout rates, poverty rates, death rates. Alcohol and drugs have ripped apart Native families. Often, the kids suffer most.
The huge influence of gangs
Gangs are a big problem on Indian reservations. Authorities estimate that on White Earth, Red Lake and Leech Lake -- the state's three largest reservations -- there are hundreds of young Native men who consider themselves part of a gang. Lenny Fisherman is one such man.