Social Issues

Assessing the war on drugs
It's been more than 35 years since Richard Nixon declared drug abuse "public enemy number one in the United States." Midmorning looks at the history and effectiveness of the war on drugs, and talks about efforts to reform the nation's drug laws.
Against the backdrop of recent news involving the cruel deaths of animals, the American Humane Association is holding a conference that will look at the link between animal abuse and domestic violence.
Ex-ballplayer Winfield says the game needs to change
St. Paul native and baseball Hall-of-Famer Dave Winfield is worried about the current state of the national pasttime. In his new book "Dropping the Ball," Winfield proposes changes aimed at appealing to fans, increasing the numbers of African-American players, reducing steroid use and improving union-management relations.
Doughnut Girl Coffee provides a different kind of pick-me-up
Most mornings, coffee is the most important thing on many people's minds. It's that pick-me-up that launches the day. Now, coffee may be changing lives in the Twin Cities suburb of Brooklyn Park, where a coffee roastery is creating a different kind of pick-me-up.
The ethics of embryonic modification
Midmorning's semi-regular ethics conversation covers the ethics of selecting a baby's features even before birth.
A proposal moving through the state Legislature would require courts to change how they decide child custody cases, to make joint custody the rule rather than the exception.
Gender on the campaign trail
One organization is encouraging more women to run for public office, and teaching them how to live a political life.
A possible cockfighting ring was being investigated in St. Paul, after police discovered 11 roosters and a seriously wounded hen in the basement of a house.
The fines pile up at veterans home
The Minneapolis Veterans Home is currently paying $1,850 a day in fines to the state.