St. Paul police find possible cockfighting ring

(AP) - A possible cockfighting ring was being investigated in St. Paul, after police discovered 11 roosters and a seriously wounded hen in the basement of a house. Police went to the house on the city's North End to follow up on a Monday hit-and-run crash. While inside, officers heard roosters in the basement.

According to the police report, the officers went downstairs and found what appeared to be a rooster-fighting arena. They also found 11 roosters and one hen in large cages.

The hen had "severe wounds" on various parts of her body, the police report said. The roosters also had injuries, said police spokesman Tom Walsh.

Animal control officers removed the birds from the home.

No one was arrested.

A resident at the house said the family was keeping the birds for food, and that they were not used for cockfighting.

Officials were investigating to determine whether gambling or animal cruelty laws were broken, Walsh said.

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