Social Issues

Beyond the yellow ribbon
U.S. Rep. John Kline has introduced legislation that would make the Minnesota National Guard's "Beyond the Yellow Ribbon" program a model that other states would adopt.
Is there an epidemic of autism?
Anthropologist Roy Richard Grinker, the parent of an autistic child and author of the book "Unstrange Minds," joined Kerri Miller in the UBS Forum to discuss his research and his views on the alarming number of children being Recorded on May 3, 2007.
Family secrets
A new memoir explores the fault lines of adoption that emerged when a woman sought out the daughter she gave away. Novelist A.M. Homes has surprising observations on finding the "other" family and on memoirs in general.
For the first time in six years, the Metropolitan Council this week opened its waiting list for Section 8 housing. The response from people wanting a spot on that list was overwhelming.
The Vinegar Man brings Aberdeen to the Race Exhibit
Many small towns want to grow and attract new industries. But with new jobs come new residents and that can make some people uncomfortable. That's the situation facing Aberdeen, South Dakota and what prompted a trip to St. Paul.
Minnesotans come face to face with poverty
According to a new survey, four out of 10 people say they see people struggling financially. An overwhelming majority say they hold their elected officials accountable.
Smoking bans have come and gone
Smoking bans are nothing new. People have been debating the right to light up since the day European explorers returned from the New World with tobacco.