Social Issues

Common substance could help cure gambling addiction
An amino acid found in health food stores shows promise in curbing gambling addictions in some people. University of Minnesota researchers say the discovery could lead to a cheaper and safer treatment for pathological gamblers.
The young philanthropists
The LEAD Project (Leadership Emergence and Development)is a new organization in the Twin Cities that's trying to turn young professionals into young philanthropists.
Families go back to school
Social pressure, identity issues and a dramatic change in routine make the back-to-school season stressful for kids -- and their parents.
Commentary: Brewster brings success before a game is played
The Minnesota Gophers open their football season Saturday against Bowling Green. Most of the focus has been on new head coach Tim Brewster, but commentator Jay Weiner says there's something else we should pay attention to -- the makeup of his coaching staff.
The costs of a 'high society'
According to a recent survey, more teenagers are using drugs than we realize. Midmorning's guest says the survey is just another indication that Americans need a major cultural change in their attitudes about drugs.
150 years of Minnesota history
Minnesota's Constitution was signed 150 years ago on Aug. 29, and the state is preparing to celebrate its sesquicentennial next year. What was Minnesota like 150 years ago? What were the events and trends that changed Minnesota since then?
Local Somalis help educate students in Minnesota, and Kenya
A Twin Cities nonprofit group is taking on Somali education on two continents -- in Minnesota and in Africa. Generation for Change and Growth was started by Somali professionals concerned that Somali students were being set up for failure.
From conflict to cooperation
A Muslim scholar and activist says religious pluralism and greater interfaith dialogue are the keys to combating the lure of terrorism and religious conflict.