Social Issues

Northern Minnesota prepares for wave of baby boomer retirements
Some northern Minnesota communities are preparing for the wave of baby boomer retirements expected over the next decade. The workforce shift will create new job opportunities, but some jobs will be hard to replace.
Budgeting for boomerang kids
The high cost of living and student loans are driving young adults back to their parents' homes after they graduate from college. Ruth Hayden has advice for the parents of these "boomerang kids."
Dr. Jon Hallberg: Rx abuse on the rise
MPR's Tom Crann talks to regular medical analyst Dr. Jon Hallberg about the prescription medications that drug abusers are seeking more of.
On the front lines of the abortion debate
Susan Wicklund considers the experience many women share, but feel compelled to keep secret -- the termination of their pregnancies. Dr. Wicklund talks about her own experiences counseling women, and the price she's paid for performing abortions over the years.
Owner of Hmong market in St. Paul looks to expand
A hardscrabble Asian shopping bazaar attracts thousands of shoppers a day. The man behind it wants to make it even bigger, and he's looking for the city of St. Paul for help.
All sides agree on go-slow approach to HPV vaccine
Some advocates of mandating the new cervical cancer vaccine for girls won't push the legislation this year, after the state's Health Department released a report suggesting more screenings and education instead.