Dr. Jon Hallberg: Rx abuse on the rise

Dr. Jon Hallberg
Dr. Jon Hallberg, Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health Medical Director at the University of Minnesota. He is a regular medical analyst on MPR's All Things Considered.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Jon Hallberg

According the the U.S. Drug Enfordement Administration, nearly 7-million people in the U.S. are abusing prescription drugs. They outnumber people abusing cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, Ecstasy, and inhalants combined. The number of prescription drug abusers has nearly doubled since 2000 nationwide, and according to the Minnesota Department of Health, the state's trends have risen similarly.

MPR's Tom Crann talks to Dr. Jon Hallberg about why more people are abusing prescription medicines and how doctors can stop the trend.