Social Issues

Tibetan activists to hold vigil today at state capitol
Activists angered over China's crackdown on demonstrators have tried to disrupt the global torch run building up to the Beijing Olympics. Tibetans will hold vigils, protests, and prayers around the world today, including an event at the State Capitol in St. Paul this afternoon.
New play considers life after 70
Some of the most seasoned theater professionals in the Twin Cities are working together to show what life is like after 70.
Peace Corps -- not just for the young anymore
The Upper Midwest leads the country in volunteering both abroad and at home. The chiefs of both the Peace Corps and the federal agency that oversees AmeriCorps talk about how they want to bolster the volunteer forces with retirees.
MPR's Tom Crann speaks with Vivian Jenkins Nelsen, CEO and Co-Founder of the Interrace Institute in Minneapolis about the local reaction to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., 40 years ago.
MPR's Tom Crann speaks with University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee economics researcher Scott Adams about his study that links smoking bans to increased drunk driving.
Affirmative Action Debate
5 states may vote on affirmative action this fall. The two most prominent national activists on each side of the issue debate at the City Club of Cleveland.