Diablo Cody movie nominated for three Golden Globes

Diablo Cody
Diablo Cody was nominated for a Golden Globe for her screenplay "Juno." The story of a pregnant high school junior who decides to have her baby and give it up for adoption is also considered a likely nominee for a screenwriting Oscar.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

One of the most anticipated films of the season, "Juno" opens this weekend in Minneapolis.

It is the story of Juno McGuff, a Minnesota high school junior, pregnant after her first and only sexual experience.

The story of how she decides to have the baby and give it up for adoption to a couple in St Cloud is both funny and poignant.

The movie just received three Golden Globe nominations, including for best screenplay.

Former CityPages blogger Diablo Cody wrote the script, and as a result, she is now one of the most sought-after writers in Hollywood. She told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr in "Juno" she wanted to explore the relationships in the situation.