Social Issues

Campaign ads
Midmorning continues it's campaign season series on the ad wars. Barack Obama has unleashed a new series of ads targeting John McCain as being out of touch, but will they help him regain momentum?
Cutting-edge technology makes new 35W bridge a model for future
How fast the new bridge was completed has some people wondering how safe it will be, but officials say the bridge's advanced design and cutting-edge technology make it a model for bridge building in the future.
Law professor Tom Berg talks about religion and the law
Two developments this week are sending mixed messages to workers who are looking for religious accomodation in the work place. Tom Crann talked with St. Thomas law professor Tom Berg for some background on religion and law.
Latino voters share thoughts on election
Both presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama started courting Latino voters months before officially becoming their parties' nominees and that's invigorated Latino voters.
Gold'n Plump Poultry Inc. has agreed to allow Somali workers to take short prayer breaks and to refuse handling pork at the St. Cloud-based company's poultry processing facilities, under a federally mediated settlement.
Protest as social action
During the Republican National Convention, 818 activists were arrested during street protests as well as preemptive raids. Midmorning examines the purpose of protest and explores its role in social movements.
Where's that girl power?
Women in university classrooms succeed at similar rates to their male peers, but researchers find a disconnect once women get into the workforce. Midmorning examines why success in school is not a predictor of success in the workplace for women.
Jailed protesters criticize police actions
The Republican National Convention wraps up tonight, following several days of protests and more than 300 arrests. As the first detainees charged with gross misdemeanors or felonies were released yesterday, many said police arrested them without cause.