Social Issues

Banking your tax refund to combat poverty
It's tax season - and a Minnesota program that offers low-cost tax refund loans is bracing for overwhelming demand, as more people face financial insecurity.
Latinos hope for immigration reform
During the presidential election, Latino voters provided strong support to President Barack Obama. But with the economic downturn taking center stage, many are wondering how far immigration reform has slipped as priority for the new administration.
Speeches marking Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Gen. Colin Powell said the election of Barack Obama is a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., but added that the president-elect will need all Americans to make King's dream come true.
The meaning of Obama's inauguration
The nation's first Black President is inaugurated this week, and MPR listeners and special guests discuss what it means.
The origins of "I have a dream"
Midmorning examines one of the most famous impromptu speeches in American history to understand Dr. Martin Luther King's words in the context of his struggle for civil rights.