Social Issues

This video, which outlines the Catholic Church's opposition to same-sex marriage, is being sent to Catholic parishioners throughout Minnesota this week, along with a message from their bishop which calls for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage to be brought before voters.
Unnamed donor paid for Catholic DVD against same-sex marriage
An anonymous donor paid for the Catholic Church in Minnesota to produce and distribute a DVD opposing same-sex marriage, Archbishop John Nienstedt said Wednesday.
Mogadishu mayor aims to restore basics amid rubble
Mogadishu's new mayor has paid his employees, gotten some of the garbage picked up and turned the lights on. In this city of rubble and bombed-out buildings, where gunfire erupts every few minutes, that counts as progress.
Isanti County -- how to help the 'new poor'
The foreclosure crisis has hit Isanti County, about an hour north of the Twin Cities, particularly hard. It's put a great deal of pressure on local governments and nonprofit groups to provide assistance to residents who are in bad financial shape, even as many of them are too proud to accept it.
Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked an effort to repeal the ban on gays from serving openly in the military, handing gay rights groups a defeat in their last chance any time soon to overturn the law known as "don't ask, don't tell."
Minnesota's undocumented students await action on Dream Act
Hundreds of young people in Minnesota could benefit each year under the proposal that would provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants if they complete high school and at least two years of college or military service.