Social Issues

Face of Mideast unrest: young and hungry for jobs
The unprecedented anger on Arab streets is at its core a long-brewing rage against decades of economic imbalances that have rewarded the political elite and left many others on the margins.
At this successful financial education class, money takes back seat
Students of the Build Wealth Minnesota program are put through a rigorous course of financial education and counseling, but organizers say the program's success comes from its focus on everything but money.
The link between video games and depression
Do parents need to start worrying about how many hours kids are playing video games? A new study out of Iowa State University suggests that game addiction is linked to depression and other psychological disorders. Midmorning examines the study and reasoning behind the data.
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. Four decades later, King remains one of the most vivid symbols of hope for racial unity in America. But that's not the way he was viewed in the last year of his life.