Minn. district, lesbian teens settle rally issue

The Anoka-Hennepin School District has reached an agreement that will allow two lesbian students to walk together as part of the Snow Days Royal Court at Champlin Park High School.

Desiree Shelton and Sarah Lindstrom, both 18, sued the school district Friday. Both women were elected to the Snow Days royal court, which includes being presented in pairs at a pep rally.

Traditionally, the court enters the rally in male-female pairs.

Shelton and Lindstrom wanted to make a political statement by entering together, but the school was concerned about the reaction that might provoke and changed its policy so that royalty would walk as individuals.

A Minnesota federal district court judge oversaw a mediation session Saturday and reached an agreement which allows the two to walk together.

"Each member of Royalty Court will select a meaningful person in their life to escort him or her in the coronation procession following introductions at this year's Pep Fest. This will enable Sarah Lindstrom and Desiree Shelton to walk together in the processional," said a statement released by the school district.

Olson said administrators view the agreement as an opportunity for ongoing conversation.